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Capgemini, GT Nexus tie up deal

   The Paris-based consulting and outsourcing company Capgemini has partnered with Oakland-based supply chain software-as-a-service developer GT Nexus, the companies said last week.
   The agreement calls on the companies to jointly market what they call “supply chain orchestration.” Essentially, the two companies will collaboratively sell supply chain applications across North America and Europe, enabled by GT Nexus’ technology platform.
   “This is a unique combination of a tier 1 BPO (business process outsourcing) provider partnering with a leading cloud supply chain technology provider,” Capgemini said in a statement. “The move is significant in strengthening Capgemini’s collaborative supply chain network capabilities and its role as an independent provider of orchestrated supply chain services to a range of sectors: consumer package goods, manufacturing, telecommunications and others connecting them with shippers, warehouses, freight agents, financial institutions and logistics service providers through a managed services network.”
   Cloud-based technologies are becoming increasingly pervasive in the supply chain environment.
   “Cloud enables entirely new information-sharing models so that the supply chain more closely represents the reality of a network rather than a simple chain,” Capgemini said.