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Chemical spill at POLB injures 13

A spill of propyl acetate from a “K” Line containership at the Port of Long Beach injured 12 longshoremen and one firefighter Sunday morning, Southern California port has confirmed.

   A “K” Line containership leaked hazardous material into the Port of Long Beach harbor over the weekend, ultimately injuring 12 longshoremen and one firefighter, the Southern California port has confirmed.
   The vessel, the Harbour Bridge, was berthed at Pier G Sunday morning when a 6,000 gallon tank was punctured during loading operations and began leaking. The vessel was deployed on THE Alliance Pacific Southwest Loop 6 (PS6) transpacific service, according to ocean carrier schedule and capacity database BlueWater Reporting.
   According to the U.S. Coast Guard, the ship leaked propyl acetate, which is primarily used as a solvent. The chemical was mostly contained on the pier, but some residual recovered material reached the water, said the Coast Guard.
   The propyl acetate was transferred to storage tanks by Patriot Environmental Services. The storage tanks were segregated from other cargo and the chemical will be properly disposed at a later time, said the Coast Guard.    
   Local and federal officials are monitoring cleanup efforts, while those injured in the event have since been treated and released.