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Chinese fireworks manufacturers facing a dud of a year

Chinese fireworks manufacturers facing a dud of a year

Fireworks made in China may have a tough time making it to U.S. shores in time for July 4 shows, according to an Associated Press report Monday.

   The number of Chinese ports willing to handle the country’s huge number of fireworks exports is dwindling due to safety concerns. An explosion in February at a warehouse in South China prompted the Port of Sanshui to ban fireworks shipments. The port, according to the report, handled 20 percent of China’s fireworks exports. Similar roadblocks are appearing at the country’s biggest ports, like Hong Kong and Shanghai, due to government concern over such shipments ahead of the Olympics in Beijing in August.

   A representative of the American Pyrotechnics Association told AP that China sends more than 9,000 container of fireworks to the United States annually, but this year, export volumes have dropped 30 to 40 percent due to the port constraints and other pressures on fireworks factories, like higher salaries and raw materials costs. Some factories may have to close or face bankruptcy, one factory owner told the news agency.