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Clarification: NYK joins Evergreen Asia/Europe loop

Clarification: NYK joins Evergreen Asia/Europe loop

   American Shipper last week reported that NYK Line had joined as a slot buyer an Evergreen Line-operated service between Asia and Europe.
   The report inadvertently omitted calls the service — Evergreen’s CES loop — makes at Tanjung Pelepas (PTP). The calls at the Malaysian port are reflected in the database of American Shipper schedule research affiliate ComPair DataAmerican Shipper schedule research affiliate ComPair Data, but NYK did not list the Tanjung Pelepas calls when announcing that It was joining the service. That’s because the Japanese line will not be utilizing any of its space allocation on the CES for the calls at Tanjung Pelepas, an NYK spokesperson told American Shipper Tuesday. NYK announced the service in conjunction with two Adriatic feeder services on which it will also buy slots.
   PTP is a primarily transshipment port in southern Malaysia, near Singapore.
   The full CES rotation is Kaohsiung, Qingdao, Ningbo, Shanghai, Taipei, Hong Kong, Yantian, Tanjung Pelepas, Colombo, Taranto, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Thamesport, Taranto, Colombo, Tanjung Pelepas and Kaohsiung