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CN opens Prince George Distribution Center

CN opens Prince George Distribution Center

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Canadian National Railway Co. Monday began operations at its C$20 million ($20.4 million) intermodal and distribution center in Prince George, British Columbia, that will help move cargo to and from the new Fairview Container Terminal at the Port of Prince Rupert some 500 miles west.

   The Prince George Distribution Center has an 84,000-square-foot warehouse and 10 acres of outside storage. CN WorldWide North America’s services will include product transfer, inspection, consolidation/deconsolidation, inventory control and transportation.

   CN is running a daily rail service to the new box terminal at Prince Rupert, in which CN is a project partner.

   “The Port of Prince Rupert is the closest port to Asia by up to 58 hours of sailing time compared to other West Coast port in North America,” said Jim Vena, CN’s senior vice president, western region. “CN will transport containers between the port and the principal centers of the U.S. Midwest, South and central Canada via its network spanning Canada and mid-America.”

   “The new Prince George facility is ideally situated to tap backhaul export opportunities, filling empty containers moving back to Asia through Prince Rupert with lumber, panels, wood pulp, paper, as well as ores, plastics and some metal products.”

   Prince George is also CN’s divisional headquarters and main operations hub in northern B.C.