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Commerce amends duty rates for Canadian softwood lumber

After finding merit in a claim from West Fraser Mills, Commerce is decreasing that firm’s duty rate from 18.19 percent ad valorem to 17.99 percent ad valorem, and the “all others” rate to 14.19 percent ad valorem, the department said in a statement.

   The U.S. Commerce Department is amending countervailing (CV) and antidumping duty (AD) orders on certain softwood lumber products from Canada, effective Jan. 3, the department said in a statement.
   West Fraser Mills on Nov. 9, “submitted a timely, properly filed allegation” that Commerce made ministerial errors in its final CV duty determination on softwood from Canada, Commerce said.
   The department found merit in the claim, and as such, is decreasing West Fraser’s duty rate from 18.19 percent ad valorem to 17.99 percent ad valorem. Because the “all others” CV rate is based partly on West Fraser’s ad valorem subsidy rate, Commerce is decreasing the “all others” CV duty rate to 14.19 percent ad valorem.
   All other CV duty rates will remain unchanged from Commerce’s November final CV determination.
   Commerce will direct CBP to assess, upon further instruction, specified CV duties for softwood from Canada entered into U.S. commerce or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption on or after April 28, 2017, the date of Commerce’s preliminary determination—but not between Aug. 26, 2017, the expiration date of Commerce’s “provisional measures” period, and the publication date of the International Trade Commission’s final injury determination.
   Commerce will instruct CBP to reinstitute suspension of liquidation on all relevant entries of softwood from Canada for CV duty purposes, and to collect cash deposits of 3.34 percent to 17.99 percent.
   The ITC issued affirmative AD and CV duty final injury determinations on softwood from Canada on Dec. 7.
   In addition to amending West Fraser’s and the “all others” CV duty rate, Commerce is amending Canfor’s and the “all others” AD duty rate on softwood from Canada. Canfor will garner a 7.28 percent AD duty rate, and the “all others” AD duty rate will be 6.04 percent.