The Commerce Department has determined that light truck and car tire imports from China have been dumped on the U.S. market.
The Commerce Department has determined that light truck and car tire imports from China have been dumped on the U.S. market.
Dumping occurs when a foreign company sells a product in the United States at less than its fair market value.
Commerce found that Chinese-made tires have sold in the United States at dumping margins ranging from 19.17 percent to 87.99 percent.
Giti Tire Global Trading Pte. Ltd. and Sailun Group Co. received preliminary dumping margins of 19.17 percent and 36.26 percent, respectively. All other Chinese producers and exporters received a preliminary dumping margin of 87.99 percent. Sixty-five other exporters qualified for a separate rate of 27.72 percent, Commerce said.
Commerce has instructed Customs and Border Protection to require cash deposits based on these preliminary rates.
According to Commerce, imports of these tires from China in 2013 were valued at $2.1 billion.
The department is scheduled to make its final determination on the Chinese tire antidumping investigation by June 12. If Commerce makes an affirmative determination and the U.S. International Trade Commission finds the same, then Commerce will issue an antidumping order. If either Commerce or ITC final determinations are negative, then no antidumping orders will be issued. ITC is expected to make its final injury determination in the tire investigation in July.
The petitioner for the investigation is the United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union.
Commerce finds dumping of Chinese tires on U.S. market