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CSX coal train falls in river

CSX coal train falls in river

A CSX freight train derailed on a bridge a few miles from the U.S. Capitol and dumped seven coal cars into the Anacostia River on Friday afternoon, according to local news reports.

   No one was hurt in the accident, but hundreds of pounds of coal along with small amounts of hydraulic fluid and oil from the rail cars ended up in the water.

   Early indications are that the train rolled onto the damaged bridge because an operator failed to secure the brakes properly, CSX Transportation officials told the Washington Post.

   The bridge was under repair and out of service when the unmanned, 89-car freight train rolled on the crossing, which collapsed under the train’s weight.

   At least two more coal cars spilled their loads in the river.

   District of Columbia environmental officials are worried that lifting the train cars out of the river mud will disturb pollutants and other harmful materials in the sediment that will wash down river, according to the Post.

   CSX officials plan to begin recovery efforts on today.