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CSX opens Ohio terminal

CSX opens Ohio terminal

   CSX said it has opened its Northwest Ohio Terminal, a cornerstone of the double-stack National Corridor freight rail corridor between East Coast seaports and the Midwest.

   Located near North Baltimore, Ohio, the new facility employs more than 200 full-time employees, and CSX said it would serve as the transfer point for hundreds of thousands of freight containers annually.

   'This is a major milestone for the National Gateway,” said Bill Clement, vice president of intermodal for CSX Transportation. 'As we bring the Northwest Ohio Terminal Facility up to full operational capacity, customers will enjoy faster and more reliable intermodal service than ever before.'

   CSX said it would gradually transition customer shipments through the new terminal over the next few months. Once all of the transitions are complete, the Northwest Ohio facility is expected to handle a throughput capacity, including block swaps and lifts, of nearly 2 million containers per year. Blocks are multiple rail cars with a common destination, and lifts refer to container handling between rail cars and trucks.