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Customs advisory panel co-chairs named

Sandler Travis attorney Lenny Feldman and Avalon Risk Management CEO Lisa Gelsomino will head up the Customs Operations Advisory Committee.

   Sandler Travis & Rosenberg trade attorney Lenny Feldman and Avalon Risk Management CEO Lisa Gelsomino have been named co-chairs of U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Commercial Customs Operations Advisory Committee (COAC).
   The appointments were announced Wednesday during the COAC public meeting in Washington, D.C., a CBP spokesperson said in an email. COAC is comprised of 20 members and four alternates.
   “I’m grateful for the confidence of my peers and the opportunity to help further strengthen cooperation between the federal government and the trade during this transformative time,” Feldman said in a statement. “Both the public and private sectors want to streamline legitimate trade while targeting bad actors, but today’s rapidly evolving trade environment can make that challenging. My goal is to help COAC continue to focus the best efforts of the trade community on developing innovative solutions that work for all stakeholders through direct, candid dialogue.”
   Gelsomino has more than 25 years of experience in the industry, and her company is a leading provider of customs bonds and other insurance services for the international trade and logistics industry, according to her COAC bio.
   COAC advises CBP and the departments of Homeland Security and Treasury on all matters involving commercial operations of CBP, including with respect to significant changes proposed for regulations, policies or practices.
   A full list of COAC members for the 15th term may be found here.

Brian Bradley

Based in Washington, D.C., Brian covers international trade policy for American Shipper and FreightWaves. In the past, he covered nuclear defense, environmental cleanup, crime, sports, and trade at various industry and local publications.

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