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DHL to invest 10 million euros in Vietnam

   DHL Supply Chain will invest 10 million euros ($12.9 million) in Vietnam over the next two years, hiring new staff, upgrading current infrastructure and building a new facility in North Vietnam.
   The integrator began operations in the country in 2001.
   DHL plans to hire 1,400 new workers in Vietnam, increasing its workforce by 170 percent. This new influx of employees will be added to an employment base that has already expanded by 800 workers in the past there years. The integrator’s goal of a 2,200-person strong workforce by 2015 will be accomplished by rigorous training and development programs, according to officials.
   With the investments, DHL’s warehouse space across the country will double, including the development of a 10,000-square-meter facility in Bac Ninh, Vietnam, to complement an existing 20,000-square-meter development in the city. The company will also invest in more advanced support systems that include warehouse and transport management programs as well as a spare parts logistics system. DHL is also planning to increase its fleet by 100 vehicles.
   “We’re investing in the future of Vietnam to successfully replicate best practices from our international operations and — combined with our extensive local experience — showcase industry-leading solutions,” DHL’s Jan Willem Winkelhuijzen said in a statement. “Our investments over the next few years will allow us to further grow in tandem with the country’s progress and offer first-rate services for both global and local customers alike.” – Jon Ross