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Donaldson powers European DC with Manhattan Associates? WMS

Donaldson powers European DC with Manhattan AssociatesÆ WMS

Donaldson Co., a manufacturer of filtration systems and components, has implemented Manhattan Associates' Warehouse Management System to support its distribution center in Bruges, Belgium.

   The WMS implementation is one of the final steps of Donaldson's development of the Bruges facility and the complete in-sourcing of distribution center operations within the firm. Donaldson's project team led the design, configuration and implementation, and with support from a project manager and consultant from Manhattan Associates converted the former industrial facility into a distribution center in seven months.

   Donaldson said Manhattan Associates' WMS will allow it to achieve more control over shipments and lead times, manage operations more efficiently and improve communications with customers.

   'Manhattan's Warehouse Management System was easy to implement and has an easy to use interface,' says Peter Gobel, DC manager at Donaldson's Bruges facility. 'These attributes were critical since there was not much time to get the system up and running.'

   Following the WMS going live, shipment accuracy increased to 99.8 percent, Donaldson said.

   Based in Minneapolis, Donaldson reported 2008 fiscal year net income of $172 million on revenue of $2.23 billion. The firm maintains more than 100 sales, manufacturing and distribution locations around the world with a workforce of more than 12,000 employees.