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Driver•i GreenZone designed to boost your driver bonus

Fleet executive: It’s important to recognize all good driving, not just top performers

Safety is the primary reason why fleets hand out bonuses, with the intent being to reward good driving and curb poor performance.

But have you ever wondered about the effectiveness of your system? Sometimes it’s not a matter of how big the bonus is but who’s able to receive such recognition. 

“You have to have the right kind of bonus,” said Michael Krohn, regional sales manager at Netradyne, on a recent episode of FreightWaves’ WHAT THE TRUCK?!?. “I see fleets with 100 to 500 drivers in which the top two or three get a bonus while the other 97% don’t receive anything.”

In other words, what’s in it for the other drivers? 

Krohn explained the importance of showing appreciation for all good driving, not just your top performers.

Netradyne’s GreenZone Score does just that, incentivizing fleet safety through friendly competition and recognizing all positive driving habits. GreenZone captures all performance metrics through Driver•i, the fleet safety camera that monitors and trains drivers in real time.

Driver•i keeps fleets up to date on driver performance by capturing 100 percent of drive time, which is then calculated into a driver score, the GreenZone Score. These scores are used to incentivize fleet-wide competitions, recognition programs and even new coaching tactics, all while decreasing fleet risk.

“The Netradyne difference allows management to provide their drivers with tools to see their performance and then work toward performing at a higher level,” Krohn said.

Drivers review performance in real time on the Driver•i mobile app and see where improvements are needed. Krohn said it’s much more effective to allow the driver to self-coach and improve performance themselves rather than anxiously await a browbeating from management.

Krohn added that fleets equipped with Netradyne have seen distracted driving drop by 86% and speeding by 61%.

“You’re decreasing risky behavior, and what that does is decrease your collisions, collision costs and time to handle collision claims,” he said. “To use Netradyne along with a GreenZone score bonus system is the formula for success.”

Click for more FreightWaves content by Jack Glenn.

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