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DroneWaves: ‘Deliver within minutes, not hours’

Last-mile delivery companies partner for drone project

(Photo: FreightWaves)

This fireside chat recap is from FreightWaves’ DroneWaves Summit.

FIRESIDE CHAT TOPIC: The future of on-demand delivery

DETAILS: Leaders at Aurora Aerial and GoFor discuss their partnership and how drones have the potential to speed up last-mile delivery while reducing emissions and providing a high-quality customer experience.

SPEAKER: Alan Tay, CEO of Aurora Aerial

BIO: Tay is the co-founder of Delphi Technology Corp. and has more than 20 years of aviation experience as a flight instructor. His work includes commercializing new products and developing an aviation business group.

SPEAKER: Chris Jarvis, chief logistics officer at GoFor

BIO: Jarvis has more than 20 years of experience in supply chain operations across a number of industries.


“Over time, we are going to be more urban-based. … We think getting that speed of online and physical linked up like never before through drones is going to be something that is going to have huge utility for us and really help separate us.”

“Deliveries within minutes, not hours is what we’re talking about. We see a lot of openings around rooftop to rooftop and moving things in urban spaces where we can get the congestion off of the roadways.”

“It’s about speed, convenience and also being greener.”


“We are working on the customer experience. … We want to empower them, and we want to make them happy. They want speed. They want to know exactly where their package is and when it is going to arrive.”

“We want to reduce the carbon footprint. That’s the goal of last block. You save time and you expedite the delivery to your customers.”

Click here for more FreightWaves articles by Alyssa Sporrer.

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