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Free webinar with transportation expert John Seidl to focus on increasing revenue and reducing costs

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Think government regulations are just a drain on your finances? Think again. Today, savvy fleets are using government regulations such as the hours-of-service rules to their advantage — but how?

Join us Thursday, June 28, 2018 at 2 p.m. EST for a free and informative webinar featuring transportation expert John Seidl. In the webinar, titled “Work Smart. Make Money: Maximize Profits & Increase Carrier Efficiencies,” Seidl will offer advice from his 20-plus year career on how fleets can not only take advantage of regulations but reduce expenses through improved management practices.The webinar is presented by Arrive Logistics, Reliance Partners, and FreightWaves.

The primary focus of this webinar will narrow in on ways fleets can reduce costs and increase revenue through improved management of the everyday regulation drivers all fleets face. These regulations include hours-of-service rules, personal conveyance and ELD exemptions as well as ways to manage CSA scores, insurance costs, payroll expenses, vehicle maintenance and fuel costs.

Seidl is a well-known expert in the transportation safety community and currently vice president of risk services for Reliance Partners. He is also a DOT transportation consultant for fleets around the country, where he advises them on best practices and consults on regulatory compliance. His career includes time as a Wisconsin State Patrol Motor Carrier Inspector and he has worked closely with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the National Drug/Alcohol Technical Advisory Group, and the National ELD. He has been recognized as the FMCSA Safety Investigator of the Year for 2 consecutive years.

“Work Smart. Make Money: Maximize Profits & Increase Carrier Efficiencies” is a free webinar to registered attendees. It will take place on Thursday, June 28, 2018, at 2 p.m. EST. Register at: