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Executive Moves: UTi Worldwide Inc. and Port of New Orleans

UTi Worldwide appoints co-presidents for forwarding, while the Port of New Orleans welcomes new commissioner.

   UTi Worldwide Inc. has named Ditlev Blicher and Hessel Verhage as co-presidents of the company’s global freight forwarding business. Blicher leads UTi’s 10 area teams in Asia and Europe, and Verhage leads UTi’s six area teams in Africa and the Americas. 
   Blitcher had served as president of Asia Pacific since joining the company in June 2013. Before that, he was previously executive vice president for group operations at CEVA Logistics.
   Verhage had served as president of freight forwarding for the Americas. He joined UTi in April 2014 as global vice president of trade services and compliance. He previously held senior management positions at AIT Worldwide, Global Link Logistics, and Emery/Menlo Worldwide.

   Arnold B. Baker was elected to the Port of New Orleans’ board of commissioners. He will serve a five-year term, succeeding Daniel F. Packer, as one of four Orleans Parish representatives on the seven-member regional board that governs port operations in Orleans, Jefferson and St. Bernard parishes.
   Baker is owner and founder of New Orleans-based Baker Ready Mix and Building Materials, which operates three plants in the area, a fleet of mixer trucks and employs 40.

Chris Gillis

Located in the Washington, D.C. area, Chris Gillis primarily reports on regulatory and legislative topics that impact cross-border trade. He joined American Shipper in 1994, shortly after graduating from Mount St. Mary’s College in Emmitsburg, Md., with a degree in international business and economics.