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FAA Reauthorization Act will land on Trump’s desk

Senate passes legislation paving way for airport funding and streamlining certifications.

   The Senate passed the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 in a 93-to-6 vote Wednesday.
   “Headed to the White House for President Donald Trump’s signature, the legislation will help modernize airport infrastructure, improve service for the flying public, enhance transportation safety and security, and boost aviation industry innovation,” said a statement from the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation.
   The committee, co-chaired by Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., and Bill Nelson, D-Fla., said H.R. 302, among other things, provides funding for airport development; strengthens aviation training, reporting, tracking and cybersecurity; provides new risk-mitigation authorities for unmanned aircraft systems; and streamlines certifications for design and delivery of aircraft to boost competitiveness of aviation manufacturing. 
   The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) issued a press release applauding the Senate’s passage of the FAA reauthorization bill.
   “This five-year bill will provide certainty for aviation infrastructure investments and enhance the competitiveness of manufacturers in America,” said Robyn Boerstling, NAM’s vice president for infrastructure, innovation and human resources policy. “Manufacturers rely on the nation’s air transportation system to help support business competitiveness, efficiency and growth. Stable and reliable funding is critical to advance continued investment in airports, runways and the strength of the entire aviation system.” 
   NAM noted that H.R. 302 “maintains important ongoing efforts to harmonize lithium battery regulations with international standards and improvements to FAA drone regulations.”
   The legislation also includes the TSA Modernization Act, the first reauthorization of the Transportation Security Administration since its establishment in 2001.
   Provisions of S. 1872 enable improved security for passengers and cargo as well as surface transportation, TSA said.