FCBF concerned about Miami viaduct project
The Florida Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association is urging members to contact local political figures in an effort to gain additional funding for the 25th Street viaduct project in Miami.
The project will impact traffic flows between Miami International Airport and the many warehouses and forwarder-broker offices west of the airport, as well as access to the Palmetto Expressway, the main north-south highway west of the airport. Current funding plans call for completing the project in two phases, with the first phase of construction set to begin about July 9.
The FCBF said the overall project will greatly improve local transportation infrastructure impacting logistics operations, but there will be little benefit if only the first phase is completed. The existing phased approach could even create more problems, because traffic will be reduced to four lanes, from six lanes, creating a bottleneck in the route to the Palmetto and Miami International cargo areas.
FCBF is working with the Freight Transportation Advisory Committee, a committee of the Metropolitan Planning Organization in which the FCBF participates, to lobby local officials with a letter-writing campaign.
Members can get a copy of a suggested letter, as well as contact information for the appropriate officials, at the association Web site, http://www.fcbf.com.