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FourKites enters agreement with AFN

In association with FourKites, AFN will work with carriers to track their fleets with the latest real-time tracking technology, and a decent amount of these carriers will be using FourKites’ Comprehensive Real-Time Tracking Platform by the end of 2016.

   FourKites and AFN Logistics, two fast-growing Chicagoland logistics industry leaders, have entered into a partnership that will facilitate advanced, real-time tracking for greater shipment visibility and driver safety, the companies said.
   In association with FourKites, AFN will work with key carriers to track their fleets with the latest real-time tracking technology, and by the end of the year, a significant amount of these carriers will be utilizing FourKites’ Comprehensive Real-Time Tracking Platform.
   “Through FourKites’ solution, we can provide shippers with real-time updates and ETAs, while making life easier – and safer – for drivers,” AFN CFO Rob Levy said. “Having location data readily accessible allows drivers to focus on navigation and driving safely, instead of answering status calls and emails. In addition, FourKites’ technology leverages the ELD technology which carriers are already investing in to meet their compliance obligations. Everybody wins.”