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Rapid-fire pitch: Taking cargo personally, Freight Friend unites operators

In its Marketwaves presentation Freight Friend emphasised the importance of personal relationships in the movement of freight and the need for trust in the relationship between the operating companies.

Freight Friend CEO and founder Noam Frankel believes that “People drive the transportation industry and that truckload transportation in particular is dependent on relationships.”

As personal relationships are essential to the industry, given the critical nature and liability involved in the movement of large shipments of freight, shippers would prefer to use companies they know and trust.

Nevertheless, many shippers continue to use brokers to move their spot shipments and 80% of brokers use public boards to move these shipments, according to Freight Friend.

Freight Friend is designed to promote collaborative relationships between logistics providers and trucking companies. It uses a carrier relationship management (CRM) tool designed to gather data on available capacity and carrier preferences and instantaneously match to available freight.

The CRM then connects to the collaborative capacity and freight exchange while transportation partners connect through a mutual friendship process to share information and match freight with capacity, linking back to the client’s transport management system, which is easily integrated with Freight Friend, to execute the transaction through whatever process they choose.