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Freight recession unlike any other in history 

Proliferation of freight brokerages giving truckers a lifeline

As freight brokerages have taken on a larger percentage of the market, they have reshaped the typical freight cycle. (Photo: Jim Allen/FreightWaves)

The rise of freight brokerages

In 2000, freight brokerage was a cottage industry, representing a small percentage of the trucking industry — 6%. Fast forward to 2023, and freight brokers handle more than 20% of all trucking freight.

Brokerages are ‘mainstream’ today

As freight brokerages have taken on a larger percentage of the market, they have reshaped the typical freight cycle. 

In the early 2000s, it was uncommon to see a freight broker in the primary position of a shipper’s routing guide. 

Back then, freight brokers usually handled freight that asset-based carriers didn’t want or that was priced too low for the carriers to make their margins. Freight brokers would also serve as a last resort if carriers had freight surges that they could not handle. 

Since then, however, things have changed dramatically. As freight brokerages invested in technology and customer service, they began to offer a more compelling product than their asset-based competitors and took on a greater role in routing guides. 

Today, it is common for multiple freight brokerages to be in primary positions in shippers’ routing guides, often as the top choice, beating out their asset-based competitors. 

Moreover, the quality of freight that brokers handle now is far better than it was in 2000. In 2023, freight brokers often are assigned highly desirable, carrier-friendly freight. 

Why? Shippers both large and small now rely on freight brokers’ deep databases of reliable carriers to ensure that their loads are shipped and delivered on time. 

In addition, carriers — particularly small carriers — also need the leads and business that freight brokers can supply.

Why is that? 

As of April 2023, there were more than 531,000 active trucking fleets that own or lease at least one tractor in the U.S., according to Carrier Details, which provides trucking authority intelligence using data from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and insurance registrations (available on SONAR). 

Contrast that with 1980, when there were around 18,000 U.S. trucking companies.

Trucking deregulation led to the need for freight brokerages 

The Motor Carrier Act of 1980 deregulated the trucking industry. In addition to all the other changes generated by trucking deregulation, it led to the development of the freight brokerage industry as we know it today.

Prior to deregulation, the trucking industry was highly regulated by the Interstate Commerce Commission, or ICC. From 1935 to 1980, the ICC set the rates and routes of interstate carriers. The ICC even mandated the types of freight trucking companies could haul. Also, in most circumstances, backhauls were not allowed.

Therefore, there was little need for freight brokers during the reign of the ICC. But by the 1970s, many believed that competition was being strangled by the ICC and that freight rates were too high because the industry was so tightly regulated. 

Those circumstances led to President Jimmy Carter and Congress working together to deregulate the trucking industry, as well as the airline and railroad industries. 

The Motor Carrier Act of 1980 made the trucking industry much more competitive as the ICC yoke was removed. Of the 18,000 trucking companies in existence at that time, many went out of business in the newly competitive environment. However, thousands of new trucking companies were started.

The results were lower shipping rates and the start of a greater use of backhauls. 

Among the first successful freight brokerages was American Backhaulers, which began operations in 1981. The company was acquired by C.H. Robinson in 1999.

Post-deregulation, motor carriers began to operate wherever they could find profitable freight, although rates were much lower because of increased competition. Many carriers needed backhaul freight to generate sufficient round-trip revenue — an issue brokers were able to assist the trucking fleets of the time.

Freight brokerages grew and evolved

As more carriers began using freight brokers, new and more professional freight brokerages started. Moreover, a number of the larger carriers started in-house brokerage divisions.

In most cases, these in-house brokerages provided an additional revenue stream for their carrier owners. The in-house brokerages also created a demand pool that was controlled by those trucking companies. The in-house brokerages supplied freight for the carriers’ trucks in lean times and could sell excess freight to other carriers when their fleets were fully booked.

Brokerages assist small carriers 

As the link between shippers and carriers, freight brokers are “traffic managers” for shippers as well as “sales agents” for carriers. Today, brokerages are responsible for thousands of daily freight transactions.  

When they are at their most efficient, brokerages can decrease transportation costs for shippers and also increase carriers’ revenue.

As noted above, the number of motor carriers has exploded since deregulation. U.S. Department of Transportation statistics show that of the roughly 531,000 carriers, 99% operate 100 or fewer trucks — and almost 97% have fewer than 10 trucks. 

Therefore, freight brokers often take on the sales and customer service roles that small carriers cannot afford. Most importantly, brokerages provide a continual stream of freight for many of the small carriers. Those small carriers that do not have relationships with at least one brokerage are at a distinct disadvantage. 

An altered freight cycle

The current freight cycle has been different. In previous cycles when freight rates have been low, many of the weakest carriers exited the industry. While some of the companies that went out of business in 2019 — the last major down cycle — were quite large, such as Celadon and New England Motor Freight, most were small “mom-and-pop” companies that lacked the resources to stay in business.   

In 2023, many people, including me, expected that as before, many small carriers would roll over and quickly exit the freight market as conditions became difficult. After all, we thought, when the freight economy slowed, high-quality loads for small carriers would dry up. It wasn’t just rates, but also load counts that dropped. 

FreightWaves’ Rachel Premack reported in an April 28 article that the “number of authorized interstate trucking fleets in the U.S. declined by nearly 9,000 in the first quarter of 2023 …”

So while companies have certainly left the industry, small carriers overall have held on for far longer than many of us expected. The reason is that even as rates have declined — in many cases lower than 2019 rates — freight brokerages have kept many small truckers supplied with quality load opportunities. 

So much has changed in the past decade 

In the 2008 freight recession, freight brokerages were a much smaller percentage of the overall trucking market, representing just 10% of the total freight in the market. This number has doubled since then, along with the quality of freight. 

When I was working the freight desk at U.S. Xpress in the early 2000s, freight brokerages weren’t a part of many shippers’ routing guides.

Shippers preferred to do business only with asset-based trucking companies. They used freight brokers sparingly, mostly for low-quality loads that carriers didn’t want or in a pinch due to a surge of freight or unexpected rejection. 

But over the past decade, freight brokerages have played a key role in routing guides. And since freight brokerages tend to rely on small carriers, their success in winning primary roles in routing guides has strongly benefitted the smallest carriers. 

Small carriers have gained market share as a result. 

Going back to the number of U.S. trucking companies, capacity has exploded. The number of trucking companies in the market grew by 28% from 2019 to 2022. 

Nearly all of these new trucking companies are small, drawn to the market by pandemic-induced high rates. 

‘What goes up, must come down’

Newton’s law of gravity, a fundamental rule in physics, is commonly cited in commodity markets like trucking. 

When capacity tightens and drives up rates, new entrants enter the market, flooding it with capacity and driving down rates. 

The same carriers that entered the trucking industry to take advantage of high rates are now being forced to take much lower rates to keep their trucks moving. 

In past cycles, when the freight market softened, we would see a massive purge in capacity. While there have been reductions, it has happened much slower than anticipated. 

A key reason it has been so slow to churn out capacity is because of the proliferation of freight brokers. 

In past down cycles, freight brokers would lose a large percentage of their volume, as shippers kept to a small number of core carriers in their routing guides. 

But over the past decade, freight brokerages have positioned themselves in the role as a core carrier, enabling them to maintain load volumes, even in down markets. 

So in this down market, most freight brokerages have maintained a high percentage of load volumes, even as rates fall. 

The loads may not pay much, but brokers are able to supply carriers with loads that pay just enough to cover the monthly truck bill.

Carriers may be losing money, but that small amount of cash flow will keep them in the game longer than would be otherwise expected. 

How long will it take before the market is in balance? 

While there are many variables that impact the balance of supply and demand in the freight market, we can look to historical models for some guidance. 

According to SONAR‘s Carrier Details Total Trucking Authorities index, from 2010 to August 2020, the trucking industry added an average of 199 new trucking fleets per week. 

From August 2020 to September 2022, the number of new trucking fleets exploded by an average of 1,124 new fleets per week. 

The trucking market currently has 63,000 more fleets than the 2010-2020 trend line would suggest.

Since September 2022, the market has churned an average of 435 fleets per week. 

Unless there is an acceleration in revocations (i.e. trucking companies shuttering their authorities), FreightWaves models suggest the trucking market has 78 weeks to go before capacity is back in balance with historical trends. 

To put that in perspective, I wrote an article on March 31, 2022, that warned about an imminent freight recession. That was 78 weeks ago. 

This would suggest we are only about halfway through the worst trucking downturn since 2008. 

While it is possible that freight rates could increase in anticipation of a capacity reset, FreightWaves and many other analysts don’t believe that freight rates will increase until at least the second quarter of 2024, and few predict large increases in rates even then. Therefore, it is likely that the attrition process will continue as the market slowly grinds out the weakest players. 

Interested in freight market intelligence? 

FreightWaves SONAR is the most comprehensive tool in logistics, offering high-frequency intelligence across millions of data points. 

Sign up for a SONAR demo today. 


  1. Teresa Patoine

    I abjectly disagree with the picture of freight brokers swooping in like white knights to save the day. When they raise their heads, you see motor carrier blood dripping from their lips. If brokers had their way, they would be paying $.70 per mile to run their freight. If we accepted that, our company would be filing bankruptcy.

    The only way our small fleet is weathering this recession is by reducing the number of brokers in our customer portfolio to <5%. We are pushing hard to work directly with shippers and BCO's. Most brokers aren't looking for long-term relationships with dependable truckers who pay their drivers a living wage. They are looking for their highest cut. If another carrier offers $.50 less per load, they will leave you in route to the dock with no dry run pay.

    Shifting away from the broker model is the only way motor carriers will be able to weather this recession, and to build back in the future.

  2. Jayro

    It has nothing to do with who is President. Literally nothing. Stop watching Fox, stop watching CNN . Stop being manipulated by media with agenda. The freight “recession” isn’t as much a “recession “ as it is a return to normal following the very unrealistic trucking boom caused by a once in a lifetime pandemic. Whether it was real or not, doesn’t matter. Reality is it created a level of freight and rates that was impossible to sustain. The party of 2021 is long over, welcome to the hangover and return to normalcy in the trucking industry. This is normal, you can’t add over 67,000 trucking companies (based on new authorities) in a 16 month period and expect capacity not to feel it. This is trucking. 2021 was not. Be realistic folks.

  3. joe

    Not sure if brokers are a lifeline to carriers or not. I can do everything myself that a broker does for me, at far less cost. I’ve had both broker and carrier authority for years. I’ve seen way too many times over the years the rates they are getting vs. what they pay the carriers. They are slowly infiltrating every mode of transport and pulling all the money out of it. Where ever there is a market that has some money in it, brokers will quickly appear and remove that money. It’s just a race to the bottom, with brokers riding the backs of carriers not intelligent or experienced enough to understand they are running for fuel and sandwich money. This is the only business I know of where the customer, be it a broker or a shipper, tells the service provider (the carrier) what they will pay them for their service. If a plumber came to your house to fix a toilet, gave you a price, and then you told him “no I’m only going to pay you X number of dollars, take it or leave it, he would be out of your house so quickly it would make your head spin. Are they making a killing on every load? Of course not. They have to take one for the team occasionally. Are they garnering an outsized share of the rate in most cases? Absolutely. The carrier takes all the risks, has all the expenses to move that load. As such, they should be getting the lions share of the rate. If you don’t think this is happening, I challenge you to ask any broker for their tariff on any particular load, which is your legal right by the way. Two things will happen. You will be told to piss off, and you will never pull another load for that broker again. If you don’t believe me, try it tomorrow and see what happens.

  4. Jeff Sorrell

    We need a fair market rate on the miles paid if I haul which I have a load from central oklahoma to central Florida for $1500 is flat out ridiculous and the only reason I have hauled this load numerous times is to get a back haul from a friend of mine that makes the trip worth while 2.15 per mile for a owner operator with a truck that get 5 miles to a gallon has to run 3 miles just to “see a profit ” and in all reality iys not even a profit because we still have bills at home and truck insurance payments etc so just really how do people as myself and other owner operators even make it in today’s times. Only thing I can say is thanks Joe !!!!!

    #Trump 2024#bidensucks

  5. Eugene

    I don’t care about the brokerage business that strips drivers. Since 1980, brokers have done great business, but drivers’ salaries have fallen by half. So I’m very happy for the great broker guys. The fewer intermediaries, the higher the income of truck companies and their employees. When a broker takes 30-40% of the cost of transportation, then trucking will not survive the crisis for long. Brokers should have their income limited!!!

  6. Jeffrey Schwab

    Biden hasn’t helped one bit. We absolutely need Trump back as well as a total restructuring of our economy. Bring back real manufactoring jobs.

  7. Doc Dedic

    It’s time to stop complaining about the presidents and focus on the big corporations that are really making moves. Amazon and Walmart have warehouses in every state now, and they ship directly to their customers using their own trucks. I see more Amazon Amazon trucks pulling their trailers on the road every day, and fewer other carrier trucks pulling them. These companies used to rely on you to pull their trailers, and you worked for cheap because you had to now they are buying their own semi trucks too and sprinters.

    Amazon has warehouses in every state, and they bring products over from China and directly ship them from sellers to their warehouses to be sold online. They use their Prime membership to deliver these products to customers’ front doors, without any extra trips, warehousing, or money spent on other carriers. When you order something on Amazon’s website, it comes to your door fulfilled entirely by Amazon.

    Current logistics software and AI is making everything run more smoothly and efficiently. It’s making extra trips impossible, and warehousing and ordering procedures more efficient. Products are being ordered and shipped when needed, not months in advance to sit in warehouses. Companies are only ordering what they need, not a truckload more.

    In other words, Amazon and other big corporations are using technology to streamline their supply chains and cut out the middlemen. This is making it harder for independent trucking companies to compete.

  8. Robert Barcus

    What needs to happen, is to get Biden out of office. Unlike Mr. Trump, freight rates was at its best. Fuel cost was managable and everyone was making revenue and growing. Since Biden has become a thorn in every one side. Our economy and our country was better secured.

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Craig Fuller, CEO at FreightWaves

Craig Fuller is CEO and Founder of FreightWaves, the only freight-focused organization that delivers a complete and comprehensive view of the freight and logistics market. FreightWaves’ news, content, market data, insights, analytics, innovative engagement and risk management tools are unprecedented and unmatched in the industry. Prior to founding FreightWaves, Fuller was the founder and CEO of TransCard, a fleet payment processor that was sold to US Bank. He also is a trucking industry veteran, having founded and managed the Xpress Direct division of US Xpress Enterprises, the largest provider of on-demand trucking services in North America.