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From the cradle to the grave — Put That Coffee Down

Inside the workings of cradle-to-grave and buy/sell logistics

Source: FreightWaves

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Every freight brokerage is different in its methodology, but the goal is the same: Get things from point A to point B. On this episode of Put That Coffee Down, Kevin Hill explored the different business models brokerages use to get freight moved.

Hill welcomed Richie Daigle as co-host for this episode; Daigle is a SONAR account executive with FreightWaves. 

Hill and Daigle spent the first half of the show talking about the similarities between sales and baseball. They said baseball is a game of probabilities, just like sales, but in both arenas there are techniques to increase the odds in favor of success. 

To dive into the main discussion of brokerage methods, Daigle and Hill brought on Justin Wandell from Axle Logistics. Axle has both cradle-to-grave and buy/sell methods for its clients, and Wandell said the flexibility is a huge asset to his company. 

Wandell said cradle to grave is about service and reactivity, which leads to success for both large and small clients, and buy/sell can work better for companies that need a more carrier-focused approach. 

At the end of the day, a client’s needs may change, and Wandell said Axle is equipped to shift services to the unique needs of each client. He called that the most important ability to have no matter what business model a company runs. 
You can find more Put That Coffee Down episodes and recaps for all our live podcasts here.


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