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Global Stevedoring, Pacorini start New Orleans joint venture

Global Stevedoring, Pacorini start New Orleans joint venture

Jacksonville, Fla.-based Global Stevedoring and Pacorini U.S.A. Inc. have established a joint venture to provide warehousing, terminal and stevedoring operations for cargo such as steel, aluminum, zinc and various project cargos at the Port of New Orleans.

   The new company, Pacorini Global Services (PGS), will operate a 125,000-square-foot warehouse at the Louisiana port's Alabo Street Terminal, with 9.6 acres of outside storage, all with access to rail via Norfolk Southern.

   Global is a subsidiary of ICS Logistics Co., and has stevedoring and terminal operations in Jacksonville and Mobile, Ala. New Orleans-based Pacorini U.S.A. is part of Italy's Pacorini Group, which specializes in the handling and warehousing of commodities such as coffee and metals, and in New Orleans operates the world's largest automated coffee silo plant.

   Global will be the active managing partner of the new venture, which will create 72 full-time and contingent positions as well as making 'substantial' investment in material handling equipment.

   'We are very excited about the opportunity to partner with Pacorini,' said Rick Sharp, Global's vice president. 'In addition to the operations we currently have in key port locations, we can now offer the same great Global service and expertise in New Orleans to Pacorini and Global's existing customer base.'

   Federico Pacorini, Pacorini's president and managing director, said: 'The joint venture with Global is just the beginning of many opportunities we hope to develop together both domestically as well as internationally.'