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Google scores patent for self-driving delivery trucks

The newly awarded patent outlines an “autonomous delivery platform” equipped with a compartmentalized “package securing subsystem” similar to lockers that the package recipient would open via keypad or using a credit card.

   Google Inc. has received a new patent for what it calls an “autonomous delivery platform,” a self-driving vehicle equipped with a compartmentalized “package securing subsystem” similar to lockers.
   The patent gives little information on how the autonomous vehicle would drive itself, but it does sound a lot like Google’s previous patents from a self-driving car project.
   “Automated road vehicles can use various sensors, for example, video cameras, radar sensors and laser range finders, to ‘see’ other traffic, as well as detailed maps to navigate a road, and a communication subsystem, such as a wireless communication subsystem, to communicate with a controller and other entities,” the patent reads.
   The individual concepts are not new, but Google in its latest patent is combining an autonomous delivery system with the idea of using storage lockers as receptacles, rather than an unsecured delivery simply left on a recipient’s doorstep.
   The lockers would be equipped with a keypad for which only the package recipient would be given the specific PIN number to open. Alternatively, the patent states the lockers could be opened using a credit card, NFC reader or mobile device.
   As with most patents, there is no indication at this time Google actually plans to build these self-driving delivery trucks, but, along with the company’s Project Wing drone delivery program, it does suggest the company may be interested in entering the parcel courier market.
   Rumors have been running rampant of late that both Google and e-commerce giant Amazon are looking to throw themselves into the transportation game, and patents likes this one will only serve to fuel that speculative fire.