Hapag-Lloyd PAX loop swaps German calls
The Grand Alliance is switching German port calls on its pendulum PAX service between Europe, North America and Asia, according to a note from alliance member Hapag-Lloyd.
The service, operated with 13 Hapag-Lloyd vessels, has a rotation of Thamesport, Antwerp, Bremerhaven, Rotterdam, Halifax, New York-New Jersey, Norfolk, Savannah, Manazanillo (Panama), Los Angeles, Oakland, Yokohama, Kobe, Kaohsiung, Yantian, Hong Kong, Da Chan Bay, Kobe, Nagoya, Tokyo, Seattle, Oakland, Balboa, Manazanillo, Savannah, Norfolk, New York-New Jersey, Halifax and Thamesport.
From Aug. 11, the Bremerhaven call will switch to Hamburg.
Aside from Grand Alliance members OOCL and NYK Line, ACL also takes slots on the service.