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HKIA reports sharp drop in February cargo volumes

Hong Kong International Airport primarily attributed February’s 14.9 percent year-over-year decline in cargo volumes to the 23 percent year-over-year drop in exports.

   Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) handled 258,000 metric tons of cargo in February, a 14.9 percent decline from February 2015, the airport said.
   HKIA primarily attributed the sharp decline to the 23 percent year-over-year drop in exports during the month.
   Meanwhile, HKIA’s February import and transshipment volumes fell 9 percent and 6 percent year-over-year, respectively.
   During the month, cargo volumes to and from the North America, a key trading region, saw the most significant drop.
   “The decrease of cargo volume in February this year is partly due to the industrial action at ports on the west coast of the United States in the first quarter of 2015, which resulted in a strong figure in air cargo during the same month last year,” HKIA said.
   Overall, on a rolling 12-month basis, HKIA has handled 4.34 million metric tons of cargo, a 2.2 percent decline from the prior 12 months.