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House signals OK on rail bills

The U.S. House of Representatives passed the STB Information and Security Act (H.R. 4921) and the FRA Safety Data Improvement Act (H.R. 4925) on Tuesday.

   The U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday passed two bipartisan railroad data and information security bills, the STB Information and Security Act (H.R. 4921) and the FRA Safety Data Improvement Act (H.R. 4925).
   The Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure said it had unanimously approved both pieces of legislation on Feb. 14.
   H.R. 4921, sponsored by U.S. Rep. Paul Mitchell, R.-Mich., would direct the STB to implement an improvement plan for its information security system, following recommendations set out in an October 2017 Department of Transportation Office of the Inspector General report that said STB’s information security program is “not effective.”
   Sponsored by U.S. Rep Josh Gottheimer, D-N.J., H.R. 4925 would “ensure greater accuracy and quality of safety data collected and reported by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA),” the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure explained. The bill instructs the FRA to create a plan and timeline to implement the recommendations of the Department of Transportation Office of the Inspector General to improve the management and collection of railroad safety data.
   The bills “will address cybersecurity challenges facing our rail systems, help federal agencies better prepare for changing technology threats and fill gaps in tracking, identifying and mitigating rail safety risks,” according to Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Ranking Member U.S. Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Ore.
    Mitchell said, “Both of these bills are simple, straightforward measures that solve serious problems.”
   The bills now move on to the Senate for approval.