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On today’s episode, Dooner and The Dude are talking all about the logistics that drive companies like Anheuser-Busch InBev and CKE Restaurants (Carl’s Jr./Hardee’s). Plus, this week in freight markets, California’s first electric truck mandate and PPP loan Ponzi schemes.
They’re joined by special guests Angie Slaughter, VP, Sustainability, Logistics, SVC & Capabilities Procurement, at Anheuser-Busch InBev, North America; and John Brewer, director of Distribution and Logistics at CKE Restaurants Inc.
And, Good News Bad News concerning spilled meat, Amazon’s counterfeit solution and Segway.
Friendly reminder that beer and alcoholic beverages require special cargo insurance endorsement to be covered. Brokers and shippers will not check for this cargo insurance endorsement before offering you these line hauls; could be unprotected!