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IAS names South America representative

IAS names South America representative

International Asset Systems, the Oakland-based technology company specializing in container management systems, has added a South American representative for its international container exchange service in that market.

   IAS has named MoreContainers Chile Ltda., based in Valparaiso, Chile, to work with ocean carriers, container lessors and third-party logistics companies involved in the South America trades.

   The South America operation will be headed by MoreContainers' Cristian Duco.

   'We see a great need for this service in South America,' Duco said. 'Equipment imbalances are a significant problem for carriers and other container operators here, and they will welcome the convenience and savings that can be achieved. We believe InterChange offers great value for the intermodal transportation industry in South America.'

   The company's InterChange system serves as a container brokerage that matches surplus containers with companies looking for containers. For example, IAS said it is common to have empty container accumulating in Santos, Brazil, and InterChange can match those boxes with customers seeking containers of moves out of Brazil