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IBIA joins forces with Trident Alliance

The International Bunker Industry Association is partnering with the Trident Alliance due to their mutual concerns over proper enforcement of the future 0.5 percent Global Sulphur Cap.

   The International Bunker Industry Association (IBIA), an advocacy group for suppliers and end users of marine fuel, is joining forces with the Trident Alliance, a coalition of ship owners and operators seeking to ensure effective and consistent enforcement of maritime sulfur regulations, due to their mutual concerns over proper enforcement of the future 0.5 percent Global Sulphur Cap, the organizations said in a joint statement.
   Together, they intend to promote full compliance across the industry, which would result in a cleaner environment and ensure that compliant ship operators are not placed at a disadvantage to operators using cheaper, higher sulphur bunkers.
   “At the moment, it is proposed that the flag states will be responsible for enforcing the global cap,” IBIA Chairman Robin Meech said. “We foresee problems with this approach and believe that there needs to be more clarity about the legal framework and the areas of jurisdiction.”
   “The 0.1 percent sulphur limit in Emission Control Areas has now been in place for over a year, and still significant gaps in enforcement remain,” added Trident Alliance Chair Anna Larsson said.
   “By speaking with a united voice, we can press for transparent and robust enforcement of sulphur regulations, which will address those that try to evade the system rather than penalize minor transgressions,” IBIA CEO Peter Hall said.