Knowing how to access and utilize quality data has become an integral part of running a successful trucking company, but many decision makers have been left scrambling to keep up with changing technological demands.
To help combat that problem, TCA Profitability Program (TPP) will host a seminar dedicated to keeping people in the know about data this summer. The seminar, which aims to empower leaders to take control of their own data, is scheduled for June 26 in Chicago, Illinois.
“The biggest issue is that a lot of people don’t know how to build their own data warehouses,” TPP Program Manager Chris Henry said. “They’ve always been reliant on their TMS provider to do that for them, but there are tools available that will allow these companies to build their own warehouses.”
The seminar will cover best practices for creating and maintaining those valuable data warehouses, including using cloud infrastructure to increase data security and integrating disparate databases.

“We will discuss taking data from outside sources so they can make better decisions on loads, on drivers and on trucks. We will also discuss taking control of your own data and doing with it what you want as opposed to waiting in a queue for someone else to do it for you,” Henry said. “Part of the best practices is about polling the right fields and defining fields the way operations understands as opposed to IT dictating how things should be defined.”
The data seminar will also hit on topics like using data to increase profits and empowering “non-tech people” to engage with data.
The data seminar, like all TPP seminars, is open to the public. Attendees do not need to be TPP participants or TCA members to attend. The seminar will give non-members a glimpse into how TPP Best Practice Groups operate, and there will be a strong emphasis on active discussion.
While non-members are welcome to attend, Henry said there is also plenty to gain for active TPP participants. The seminar will give TPP Best Practice Group members the chance to interact with people and companies outside of their usual group, engaging in active discussion and sharing best practices.
Click here for more information or to register for the seminar.