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ITF concerned about exploding reefers on ships

   The International Transport Workers Federations said it was concerned that an accident similar to the refrigerated container explosions that have killed three workers ashore could occur on a ship.
   “Whilst, of course, the explosion of a container ashore is a tragic event, we think that a similar explosion on board a vessel could have potentially catastrophic effects on workers, ships and the environment,” said ITF seafarers’ section secretary Jon Whitlow.
   “We are extremely concerned for the welfare of those workers on ships who may be unaware that a defective container is being carried on board.
   The ITF noted Maersk has quarantined some 900 reefer boxes after three fatalities earlier this year were linked to maintenance work carried out in Vietnam. It noted that “as yet unconfirmed, it’s thought that some reefers may have been topped up with contaminated gas causing them to be potentially explosive under certain conditions.”
   ITF dockers’ section secretary Frank Leys said: “We are pleased to see that big shipping lines like Maersk have reacted quickly to this situation and we would join our US affiliate, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, in urging any companies or organisations who haven’t already taken steps to alleviate this risk, to follow suit now. Where there are possibly contaminated containers still at large, we are calling on port authorities and shipping companies to issue clear guidance on how they should be handled.”