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Keeping drivers in the GreenZone — Taking the Hire Road

Image: FreightWaves

More and more fleets are embracing safe driving cultures thanks to new innovations in safety technology. One such solution is offered by Netradyne, which provides a new perspective on driver training and performance.

Adam Kahn, president of Netradyne’s commercial fleet team, joins this episode of Taking the Hire Road to detail Driveri and how it coaches drivers to stay in the “GreenZone” with host Jeremy Reymer, founder and CEO of DriverReach.

Kahn acknowledged the stresses of maintaining safety cultures in today’s risk-averse environment, noting that it’s nearly impossible to keep daily tabs on driver performance, let alone weekly or monthly. 

“One of the things that technology is starting to do is provide information to drivers in a frictionless environment so they can consume it, understand it and adjust,” Kahn said.

Netradyne’s Driveri fleet safety solution leverages the power of advanced AI to identify signs, signals, pedestrians and other objects in real time to contextualize every safety event. Its cameras capture data that is transformed into performance metrics that provide fleets actionable feedback to either reward driving behavior or identify areas needing improvement.

Driver performance can be monitored in real time through Netradyne’s fleet dashboard, which compiles driver scoring metrics in one place. One metric, called GreenZone, focuses on good driving behavior. Kahn explained that driver performance can fluctuate over the course of a day, so it’s only fair to weigh both undesirable and exceptional behavior to judge one’s overall performance.

The longer a driver records good driving behavior, the longer he or she remains in the GreenZone.

Netradyne has also introduced another recognition element that measures durational performance. Kahn used the example of a driver who comes to a full stop at stop signs 75 times in a row. “We actually began to draw a correlation between recognition and risk reduction,” Kahn said. “Since introducing the metric, one of our customer’s fleets has had a 10x multiplier of drivers achieving that [full stop stop sign] goal. During the same period of time, they also had a 60% reduction in severe stop sign violations.”

Kahn makes the case that drivers are more receptive to performance feedback with fleet safety solutions like Netradyne. He noted how dreadful face-to-face meetings can be for drivers having to explain just a few mistakes they made, but praises the solution for capturing the full story and for allowing drivers to self-coach their actions. Netradyne offers criticism but also recognizes good behavior when drivers do things the right way.

About our sponsor

Netradyne creates solutions for real-world problems using computer vision and deep learning technologies. Its mission is to transform road and fleet safety through advanced vision technology to change the way drivers interact with the road around them, creating safer roadways in the process.

Click for more FreightWaves content by Jack Glenn.

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