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L.A. employee strike shouldn’t impact port operations

L.A. employee strike shouldn’t impact port operations

   Marine terminals in the Port of Los Angeles are expected to operate as normal today after all but one terminal temporarily shut down Tuesday morning as unionized dockworkers honored a strike by some City of Los Angeles employees.

   The Engineers and Architects Union at the City of Los Angeles called a labor action and strike for Tuesday and today, which included picketing at the port’s terminal gates at 6 a.m. Tuesday. Of the port’s nearly 800 employees, 227 are EAA Union members, and members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union refused to cross the picket lines until an arbitrator ruled at 11 a.m. Tuesday that the longshoremen were required to return to work.

   In a statement, the port said the arbitrator’s ruling holds for both days of the strike, and it is anticipated that a repeat of Tuesday’s actions by the ILWU will not occur today.