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Limestone trade thrives on Great Lakes

The Lakes Carriers’ Association reported year-to-date limestone shipments on the Great Lakes totaled 13,964,733 million tons, up 16 percent year-over-year.

   Limestone shipments on the Great Lakes totaled 13,964,733 tons so far in 2015, up 16 percent year-over-year, according to the Lakes Carriers’ Association, which represents 16 American companies that operate 56 U.S.-flag vessels on the Great Lakes.
   In May 2014, lingering ice on the lakes hindered shipments, unlike this year when ice was gone by May.
   In July, limestone shipments on the lakes totaled 4,072,555 tons, similar to July 2014 which totaled 4,090,079 tons.
   Loadings from U.S. and Canadian quarries, which remained flat year-over-year in July, stood at 3.5 million tons and 560,000 tons, respectively.