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Locomation’s Autonomous Trucking Technology Projected to Displace the Emissions Equivalent of Two Million Passenger Vehicles Annually

Freight Optimization and Autonomous Relay ConvoySM Technology Means Large Reductions in Idling Time, Empty Miles, and Fuel Consumption 

Pittsburgh, PA—Locomation, a leading provider of autonomous trucking technology solutions, released today a comprehensive GHG Projections Analysis that shows a major reduction in CO2 with the adoption of Locomation’s Autonomous Relay Convoy (ARC) system. Even a conservative adoption of ARC on just 25,000 Class 8 trucks running on Locomation’s 68 Autonomous Relay NetworkSM (ARN) interstate highway segments by 2030 would yield savings equal to the amount of CO2 emitted from 2 million passenger vehicles annually, according to the report. 

The analysis, prepared by Boundless Impact Research and Analytics, Inc, a leading firm for credible assessments of corporate environmental claims, used Locomation’s market penetration projections along with anticipated changes to powertrain technologies over this time period. According to the report:

The cumulative GHG emissions avoided due to the projected deployment of Locomation’s ARC technology is estimated to exceed 8.5 million tons of CO2e over the 9 years estimated, which is equivalent to the carbon sequestered by 10.5 million acres of U.S. forest during a year (approximately 3 times the size of the state of Connecticut), or removing 2 million passenger vehicles from the road during 1 year.

“Locomation’s technology offers a viable short term solution to reduce Scope 1 and 3 emissions,” said Locomation Co-founder and CEO Çetin Meriçli. “It is an immediate pathway to reducing the supply chain’s CO2 footprint and would be a big boost to any shipper’s bottom line.”

According to an earlier study by Boundless, traditional Class 8 trucks equipped with Locomation’s technology would:

  • reduce the GHG Footprint of freight transportation by 22%;
  • cut Operating Costs 19%;
  • decrease Fuel Consumption 21%;
  • lower Photochemical Ozone Formation by 22%; and
  • reduce the GHG Abatement Cost, or dollars per tonne of avoided greenhouse gas emissions, below any of the alternatives considered.

These conclusions were based on Freight Optimization reducing idling and empty miles and ARC improving fuel efficiency.

About Locomation

Locomation is re-engineering the world’s supply chain for autonomy with a portfolio of AV products and a suite of tools that enable our clients to implement an operating model for autonomous vehicles. Launched in 2018 by veterans of Carnegie Mellon’s National Robotics Engineering Center, the Locomation team includes some of the world’s foremost experts in robotics technology, artificial intelligence, trucking, freight optimization, safety, and automotive. 

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