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Longshoremen in France to join labor reform strike Thursday

Union workers with the French trade union CGT is joining with other labor groups to protest a bill it says contravenes conventions of the International Labour Organisation relating to collective bargaining, trade union rights, and layoffs.

   French dockworkers with the trade union CGT will join a nationwide strike against a labor reform bill it says violates conventions of the International Labour Organisation relating to collective bargaining, trade union rights and layoffs.
   CGT said in a statement translated from French it will mobilize trade union organizations of wage earners, youth CGT, FO, FSU, Solidaires, UNEF, UNL, LDIFs, private-employees, students and retirees Sept. 15 to protest the labor law.
   “On terms decided locally, mobilization will take the form of rallies, demonstrations, strikes, etc. for the repeal of this law, (which would) conquer new guarantees and collective protection,” the union said.
   Opponents of the legislation say it will limit previously established rights of workers and make it easier for companies to fire employees without cause.
   The new labor law “is not good for wage earners and young people,” CGT said in a previous statement. “It will not be either for the economy. While unemployment and insecurity are rising, weakening the collective agreements for the benefit of company agreements, this law increases competition between companies pushing alignment with the ‘lowest bidder’ for employees. This social dumping logic will create more flexibility and precariousness and challenge many social gains.”
   In addition to withdrawal of the bill, CGT’s demands include setting retirement age at 60 with the possibility of early retirement, an increase in the national minimum wage, and recognition of pay scales and classifications, qualifications and equivalence.
   A prolonged strike at the French container ports of Marseille/Fos on the Mediterranean Sea or Le Havre on the Atlantic side could cause significant disruptions to cargo movement in the region.
   According to ocean carrier schedule and capacity database BlueWater Reporting, at total of 16 direct region-to-region liner services call at Marseille-Fos on a regular basis, while 46 services – 43 region-to-region strings and three intra-European loops – call at Le Havre.