Maersk Data USA, part of the Maersk Data Group, has released DrayWatch, a real-time, Web browser-based solution that tracks a container once it leaves the terminal gate via truck.
DrayWatch lets liner and trucking personnel use the Web to record a container's significant status events as they happen, and automatically alert their shipping partners of those events at the same time, Maersk Data said. The shippers also get instant updates on the status of the containers carrying their cargo.
The system also allows liner and trucking companies the ability to go online to post and accept work orders, using customizable, secure Web pages hosted on .
Maersk Data says DrayWatch gives liners greater control over work, resulting in improved customer service, advanced flexibility in managing containers, and helps streamline the invoice process to ensure timely billing and payments.
Trucking companies are able to better manage trucks, personnel and resources, Maersk Data said.
The system also benefits shippers, allowing them to communicate more effectively with carriers, and reliably follow the delivery status of containers carrying their cargo. This allows shippers to better plan for just-in-time delivery, and internal distribution of goods through their supply chain, Maersk Data said.
Maersk Data is a unit of A.P. Moller, whose units include Maersk Sealand.