Maersk Line has become a member of the Europe Southern
Africa Conference and is joining the main consortium in the trade.
By joining both the conference and the Southern Africa Europe Container
Service consortium, a joint service of conference carriers, Maersk has aligned itself on
its newly-acquired subsidiary, Safmarine Container Lines.
The previous carriers of the SAECS consortium are Safmarine, Deutsche
Afrika Linien, P&O Nedlloyd and Ellerman Harrison Container Line.
The SAECS service is being revised to include a southbound call at
Algeciras, Maersk’s Mediterranean container hub.
Maersk is now terminating its former independent Algeciras/southern
Africa container service, which competed against the SAECS conference service. The switch
to the SAECS service will be completed at the end of August.
The SAECS link calls weekly at Zeebrugge, Tilbury, Bremerhaven,
Tilbury, Rotterdam, Le Havre, Algeciras, Tenerife, Las Palmas, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth,
Durban, Port Elizabeth, Cape Town, Las Palmas and Zeebrugge.