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MarAd seeks MTSNAC members

MarAd seeks MTSNAC members

   The U.S. Maritime Administration seeks applications for membership in the Marine Transportation System National Advisory Council (MTSNAC).

   MTSNAC advises and makes recommendations on impediments that hinder the efficient use and expansion of America’s marine highways; waterways and ports, and their intermodal, road, rail, and marine connections; and guidelines for the development of a national freight policy from a marine transportation perspective.

   MarAd said 28 positions will be filled. The agency encourages those executives involved in the port and terminal, shipper, vessel, shipbuilding, and non-marine transport industries, as well as metropolitan planning and state transportation departments, labor and workforce development, and academia, to apply. Registered lobbyists are not eligible to serve on Federal Advisory Committees.

   Completed application forms are due to MarAd by Nov. 17. For more details, access the Federal Register notice.