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Mass production of COVID vaccines — Medically Necessary

What it takes to get vaccine production up to scale

Medically Necessary is a FreightWaves podcast about the health care supply chain — how we get drugs, devices and medical supplies to medical providers and patients.

FreightWaves’ Matt Blois talks to executives steering their companies through the pandemic and researchers with ideas to make health care supply chains more efficient.

In this first episode, Blois explores the rapid changes medical supply chains underwent to keep up with the COVID-19 vaccine production demand. Blois speaks with Robert Handfield, a professor of supply chain management at North Carolina State University, about the enormous challenge of scaling up global vaccine production.

Vaccine distribution has become more streamlined, but with some governments’ lofty expectations for getting people vaccinated, can manufacturers keep up? Vaccine equity for underdeveloped countries is also at the forefront of conversation for producers. 
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Kaylee Nix

Kaylee Nix is a meteorologist and reporter for FreightWaves. She joined the company in November of 2020 after spending two years as a broadcast meteorologist for a local television channel in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Kaylee graduated from the University of Oklahoma in 2018 and immediately made the Tennessee Valley her home. Kaylee creates written summaries of FreightWaves live podcasts and cultivates the social media for FreightWaves TV.