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Menlo provides compliance software for Canadian importers

Menlo provides compliance software for Canadian importers

   Menlo Worldwide Trade Services, formerly known as Emery Customs Brokers, has introduced trade compliance software aimed at Canadian importers.

   The “ImPower Canada” Web-based import management and reporting tool allows users to monitor import classification inconsistencies, vendor errors and other compliance issues, and allows importers to conduct in-depth examinations of import data, Menlo said.

   “It enables customers to identify inconsistent trade activities in the supply chain, thereby improving compliance levels and lowering the risk of penalties applied through AMPS (Administrative Monetary Penalty System),” the company said.

   ImPower is a trade data warehouse as well as a tool to manage an importer’s supply chain, giving users information on landed cost, purchasing cost, vendor and carrier management, Menlo said.

   The software was developed first for U.S. importers, before Menlo developed a Canadian version.

   Menlo Worldwide Trade Services is a unit of Menlo Worldwide, which is itself part of CNF Inc.