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Michael Kornhauser talks need for commercial vehicle navigation

‘It’s all about providing a safer experience for our drivers,’ says Trimble VP

This fireside chat recap is from FreightWaves’ Small Fleet & Owner-Operator Summit on Wednesday.

FIRESIDE CHAT TOPIC: The Need for Commercial Vehicle Navigation

DETAILS: Michael Kornhauser, sector vice president of transportation at Colorado-based technology company Trimble, advocates for commercial navigation as an essential tool to keep drivers safe, legal and efficient on the job.


“Whether you’re responsible for one truck, five trucks or 20,000 trucks, commercial navigation is a really essential tool for, on one hand, keeping your drivers safe, keeping them legal and ultimately providing more efficient routes. Truck navigation is really founded upon the fact [of] creating a truck’s safe and legal route for your driver, whether that be height restrictions, weight restrictions [or] maybe you’re hauling hazardous materials and need to have truck-safe routes for hazardous materials. … Whatever type of material you’re hauling, I think that truck-safe navigation is really an essential tool for keeping your drivers safe.”

“The map is an essential piece of a navigation routing tool, and we focus very highly on a truck-safe, truck-legal and truck-specific map. We have a very large team of GIS [geographic information system] engineers that are constantly editing the maps on a daily basis. We are also using AI and machine learning to look at various things in the road — stuff like the curvature of a turn and whether or not a truck can safely take that curvature of a turn [to determine if we would] suggest that route or not.”

“At Trimble we produce our own map data, and we do that because, again, there’s an essential link between the map data and the navigation system. We’re highly focused on commercial routes; we’ve been doing this for over 40 years on the PC*Miler product and over 30 years in our navigation products. … We also have millions of locations that trucks go so that we can provide safe and efficient mile routing into and out of those truck-specific locations.”

“It’s all about providing a safer experience for our drivers and giving them tools that are built specifically for them to keep them safe while they’re out on the road.”


  1. Thomas Stiles

    I am a driver of extremely over weight and over size loads so proper route planning is a must. I started driving trucks before all these toys came out using a map. I do use a garmin gps but ONLY as a reference to my location and next turn. I cannot count how many times I’ve heard and seen drives make mistakes due to a machine telling them what to do. I plan my trip out using my GPS prior to leaving, write it down, use my atlas or internet to check routes for any problems and have few problems getting to my sites. I also turn the volume off and following MY direction not those of a dumb machine. It’s a tool, not you. Do your job. Use the brain in your head. It works better.

  2. Shawngherity

    While truck specific GPS can be a valuable asset it helps to cover for steering wheel holders that haven’t got the sense to think that a residential street might not be appropriate for a big truck or that an antique bridge posted at 3 tons and 10’6 JUST MIGHT be impassable to their truck

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Caleb Revill

Caleb Revill is a journalist, writer and lifelong learner working as a Junior Writer for Firecrown. When he isn't tackling breaking news, Caleb is on the lookout for fascinating feature stories. Every person has a story to tell, and Caleb wants to help share them! He can be contacted by email anytime at