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Mobile seeks offers for bulk terminal

Mobile seeks offers for bulk terminal

   The Alabama State Port Authority said it is seeking proposals to lease and operate its bulk plant at the Port of Mobile.

   The facility is located on the west bank of the Mobile Ship Channel below the entrance to Three Mile Creek, and on the north end of the port. It operates as a multicommodity dry bulk facility, but the port said with investment it could be modified to handle liquids or dry bulk commodities requiring special handling.

   'We are actively seeking a private partner to expand our presence in bulk markets and diversify our cargo base,' said Jimmy Lyons, director and chief executive officer of the port authority. 'A public/private venture capitalizing on the port's rail and waterway assets can expand liquid or dry bulk market opportunities for both the prospect and the port.”

   The terminal has 1,543 feet of berth, unloading tower cranes, a combination stacker/loading tower and a conveyor system that serves the unloading cranes, the stacker/loader tower and the bulk-material-handling plant behind the wharf. There are also three warehouses totaling 220,000 square feet.

   In March 2009, the port authority completed the installation of a bulk material rail unloading system to unload unit trains at the facility.

   More information is available here, under the heading “requests for proposals.” The port said it would accept proposals through March 18.