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MSC, ZIM add Limassol to Israel-North Europe loop

The ocean carriers’ jointly operated North Europe Express (NE1) service, which connects Israeli ports with Northern Europe, operates with five vessels with an average capacity of 5,093 TEUs, according to BlueWater Reporting.

   Ocean carriers Mediterranean Shipping Co. (MSC) and ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd. are adding a call at Limassol to their jointly operated North Europe Express (NE1) service, ZIM said in a statement.
   According to ocean carrier schedule and capacity database BlueWater Reporting, the NE1 loop, which connects ports in Israel with Northern Europe, operates with five vessels – three from MSC and two from ZIM – with an average capacity of 5,093 TEUs.
   With the addition of Limassol, the revised port rotation of the NE1 will be Felixtowe, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Antwerp, Le Havre, Limassol, Ashdod, Haifa, Ashdod, Valencia and back to Felixtowe.
   The new port rotation will commence with the April 24 sailing of the MSC Tokyo from Felixstowe.