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N.Y. lawmakers see Albany port progress

N.Y. lawmakers see Albany port progress

   Local and state lawmakers highlighted progress made to upgrade the docks and intermodal connections at New York's Port of Albany, based on funds received from state and federal sources.

   A combination of New York State Department of Transportation 'Rebuild N.Y. Bond Act of 2003,' American Recovery and Re-investment Act, and Albany Port District Commission funding have financed a two-phase wharf reconstruction that will enable the port to more efficiently and effectively handle project cargo/heavy lift.

   'Our port's expertise in handling project cargo such as oversized turbines or windmill equipment from General Electric is now enhanced because of these improvements,' said Albany Mayor Gerald Jennings, in a statement.

   The first phase of the project included demolition and reconstruction of the existing wharf that was built in 1927. The new $7.6 million wharf replaces the old wooden structure with one made of steel and concrete pilings, a new concrete/asphalt deck and a new heavy lift rail line. The work, which began in March 2009, is being done by CD Perry & Sons, based in Troy, who won the competitive bid. It is to be completed by January 2011.

   The project's second phase 2 extends the work underway an additional 310 feet south along the wharf and adjacent heavy rail line. The $5 million cost is funded completely by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. CD Perry will do this project as well after winning a separate competitive bid. Started in January, the project is estimated to be complete in October 2011.

   When complete, the on-dock rail line at the port will be connected to the main line of CSX and CP Rail. Previously, the cargo was brought in by train to a point just outside the Port then put onto trucks that brought the cargo to the port's existing rail line.

   'Having the port's rail line link up directly with CSX and CP Rail will be a great asset for the port when marketing its services to new prospective customers,' said Assemblyman Jack McEneny, in statement. 'When this project is complete, the port will be able to load and unload four heavy lift ships at one time and still be able to handle scrap metal ships as well as ships carrying commodities such as grain and wood pulp.' ' Chris Gillis