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Net-Zero Carbon recap: Planting 1 tree per shipment

One Tree Planted could plant 30 million to 35 million trees in 2022

(Photo: FreightWaves)

This fireside chat recap is from FreightWaves’ Net-Zero Carbon Summit.

FIRESIDE CHAT TOPIC: How to incentivize your sustainability program.

DETAILS: In this fireside chat, a representative from nonprofit One Tree Planted describes how it works with companies like FreightVana to coordinate a unique sustainability program that incentivizes vendors and customers to assist in reforestation efforts across the globe. FreightVana is working with One Tree Planted to plant a tree for every shipment it moves.

SPEAKER: Shannon Breen is the CEO and founder of Freightvana.

BIO: With a background in finance, Breen joined the logistics industry with Knight Transportation in 2012. During the merger with Swift Transportation in 2017, he led the synergy team and soon after gained responsibility for logistics and intermodal operations. 

SPEAKER: Louis Lagoutte is in strategic partnerships at One Tree Planted.

BIO: One Tree Planted has a mission to restore the planet’s forests. With a passion for rewilding and ecosystem restoration, Lagoutte believes restoring natural systems can address many of our most pressing issues.


“We thought, ‘What if we change the game and just do something tangible and simple that’s very easy for others to follow suit?’”

“It’s more than just all the goodness and the support of the program. It also can be self-fulfilling in the type of people you attract to your business.”


“This year, hopefully we’re going to be planting 30 to 35 million trees. These things change all of the time, but we’ve been growing a lot. And it’s all because of the partnerships we’ve been able to forge with businesses and organizations such as yours.”

“It’s really important for us to work with this industry, precisely because this is an industry that produces a lot of emissions. But also, it’s an industry that is so important. We realized that during the pandemic.”

Click here for more FreightWaves articles by Alyssa Sporrer.

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