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NEWS FLASH: CP strike ending after deal reached with Teamsters

Full operations are expected to resume Thursday at 0600 local time across Canada after conductors and locomotive engineers went on strike Tuesday night.

   Canadian Pacific said it reached a tentative four-year agreement with CP conductors and locomotive engineers and a five-year agreement with its Kootenay Valley Railway (KVR) conductors and locomotive engineers on Wednesday.
   The agreements are ending strikes involving more than 3,000 conductors and locomotive engineers represented by the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference (TCRC), Teamsters Canada said.
   The strikes started Tuesday at 2200 ET.
   Full operations at CP and KVR will resume Thursday at 0600 local time across Canada, Teamsters Canada said.
   The tentative agreement must now be ratified by TCRC members, a process that will take place over the coming months, Teamsters Canada said.
   Details on the tentative agreement are being withheld pending ratification.
   “We believe this is a fair contract that our members can feel good about ratifying,” TCRC President Doug Finnson said. “I am personally very satisfied with what we have negotiated.”
   CP announced Tuesday it had reached a tentative three-year deal with System Council No. 11 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, which represents about 360 signals and communications employees at the railway.