A strike by longshoremen in the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach has now spread to about 10 terminals in the ports.
The strike began Tuesday at noon when clerical workers representated by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 63 Office Clerical Unit set up pickets at a single facility, the APM Terminals (APMT) Pier 400 facility in the Port of Los Angeles.
Those workers do office work for the company, but other ILWU longshoremen who handle containers at the terminal honored the pickets and joined the strike.
By Wednesday afternoon, John Fageaux Jr., president of ILWU Local 63, told American Shipper members of his local had gone on strike against all 14 of the steamship agencies and terminals at which it represents workers, shutting down terminals in Los Angeles and Long Beach…
NEWSFLASH: ILWU strike spreads to terminals throughout LA/LB