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Off the Supply Chain: Brokering Both Sides of the Equation

With companies like Convoy achieving a $1 billion valuation in roughly four years, or publicly-traded companies like Uber and Amazon encroaching on the brokerage space, it is getting harder for the smaller, “relationship-based” brokers to compete.

Whether it’s managed transportation, trailer pooling, warehousing or last-mile, brokers should be looking for ways to increase their value, while holding tight to the relationship. What are those ways? How will the larger companies continue to suck up market share? Will smaller companies survive?

EVP of SONAR sales, Michael Caney, Market Expert, Donny Gilbert, and CEO of CarrierDirect, Peter Rentschler, duke it out on this week’s episode of Off the Supply Chain.



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  2. David Tildern

    These so called digital brokers will only last as long as the free money keeps flowing. They are all losing mountains of money and the shippers know it. Our shippers tell us they will take advantage of the low rates in certain lanes but have no intent to hand them all their business ever. We are a 30 minute drive from 80% of our customers and we’ve known some of them for 20 years. We do things no national digital broker would or could ever do.

    Nothing is cookie cutter in this biz.

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